Jay Dick

Jay Dick

Over the past 10 years as a staff member of Americans for the Arts, I have had the opportunity to learn a great deal about how we as a nation support the arts and culture. I have the opportunity to work with hundreds of talented and innovative individuals across the nation. I have also learned a great deal from serving on two local boards, the Arts Council of Fairfax County and Arts for LA. Now, I have a new opportunity to help advance the arts in America.  Starting July 1st, I will begin a five year term as a Commissioner for the Virginia Commission for the Arts (VCA). I am very grateful to Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe for presenting me with this opportunity.  

Jay comissioner

Jay Dick being sworn in by Arlington County Chief Judge William T. Newman, Jr.

As the Senior Director of State and Local Government Affairs here at Americans for the Arts, I work on a daily basis with State Arts Agencies (SAA) and the State Arts Action Network (SAAN) to promote the arts at the state level. Now, as a Commissioner, I will have the opportunity to learn more about how SAAs function, what their challenges are, and what they need to prosper.  Hopefully with this knowledge, I can work better and smarter to advance the arts and culture on the state level.

Additionally, I am confident that I will bring a new skill set to the VCA having worked on a national level with so many arts organizations. I look forward to these new challenges and opportunities.

I am excited to work with the VCA staff, my fellow Commissioners, and the many wonderful art organizations and artists in Virginia.
