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Evaluation in Action! Assessing Social Impact: Practical Insights from Tucson

Wednesday, April 2, 2014 - 3:00pm

Event Description

What has the Tucson Pima Arts Council (TPAC) learned through four studies and three reports on its PLACE Initiative? Nationally recognized, PLACE (People, Land, Arts, Culture, and Engagement), has supported individuals and organizations who implement arts-based civic engagement projects that address critical community issues in the southwest. Learn about what kind of framework cultural workers are creating to assess work that engages community constituents as essential collaborators, and "place makers", not solely as audience members.

Presented by: Leia Maahs, Grants and Community Cultural Development Manager, Tucson Pima Arts Council;Roberto Bedoya, Executive Director, Tucson Pima Arts Council; Maria Rosario Jackson, Research Advisor;Dr. James Roebuck. Co-Director of ERAD, University of Arizona


$35.00 for Non-members, $0.00 for Americans for the Arts Members
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Americans for the Arts