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Here are the top legislative issues affecting the arts. Read about each and then take action to support their positive outcome.

Arts Education Policy and Funding
Improving Access to Arts Education for All Students

Charitable Giving & Tax Reform
Encouraging Charitable Gifts and Tax Provisions to Support Community Access to the Arts

National Endowment for the Arts
Promoting Creativity and Public Access to the Arts

Artists, Entrepreneurs, and the Creative Economy
The CREATE Act and investing in the nation's workforce and creative economy

Veterans and Military Service Members
Healing Trauma Through Community Arts Engagement

Visit the Legislative Issue Center to learn about other legislation impacting the arts.

Want to advocate for the arts but don't know where to start?

Looking for ways to take action right now? Check out these resources:

Arts Action Fund - Join over 400,00 other citizen activists to advance the arts at the federal, state and local levels.

Federal Arts Advocacy Captains - Learn about Federal Arts Advocacy Captains and find out who the captain is for your state

House and Senate Cultural Caucuses - Find out which members of Congress have committed to support the arts with their membership on the House and Senate Cultural Caucuses

The Latest News
May 23, 2024
Americans for the Arts News, Legislative News

On May 14, Americans for the Arts’ President and CEO Nolen Bivens submitted written testimony supporting increased federal funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).

November 3, 2023
Americans for the Arts News, Legislative News

On November 3, two attempts to eliminate federal funding for the arts and humanities in the Fiscal Year 2024 Interior Appropriations were both soundly defeated!

Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry (R-PA-10) sponsored two floor amendments:

August 3, 2023
Legislative News

The amazing Congressional outreach efforts by arts advocates last helped produce the following in the FY’24 Senate Appropriations bills passed in the full committee mark-up last week:

A glass jar is on it's side on a table. Coins are spilling out of it and are laying in front of it.
July 18, 2023
Legislative News

Charitable giving is crucial to maintaining the health of arts throughout our country. Key findings from the 2023 Giving USA Report, released last month, showed that an estimated $499.33 billion was given to charities in 2022. This represents a decrease of 10.5%, when adjusted for inflation, from 2021 giving levels.