Be part of the nationwide celebration December 2-8, 2018

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Americans for the Arts today announced its celebration of National Shop Local Artists Week. From December 2 to 8, 2018, the initiative encourages the creative field to join together in communities across the country to promote the sales of the work of local artists, and to promote to all consumers that art—including tickets to events and organization memberships—makes great holiday gifts. 

National Shop Local Artists Week, launched in 2018 by Americans for the Arts, encourages individuals and organizations throughout the country to take the following actions in honor of the week:

  • Host or attend celebrations by registering them and add them the ArtsMeet National Event Calendar. (Be sure to use the free downloadable logo!)
  • Advocate. Leverage the celebration to engage with your decisionmakers about the stellar impact of the arts in your local economy. Spread the word about the creative economy through two easy advocacy opportunities: customize this template resolution and present it to your elected official; and submit an op-ed to your local media.
  • Share your story on social media using the hashtag #ShopLocalArtistsWeek to share stories of the impact of individual artists and the creative economy in our communities.

Beginning as a local initiative by the Northshore Cultural Economy Coalition in December 2016 and becoming a statewide celebration through a proclamation passed by the Louisiana state legislature in 2017, National Shop Local Artists Week is supported by Americans for the Arts on behalf of the arts field to increase visibility to the cause, unify stakeholders with a shared message, and provide the tools and resources for local leaders to host their own local Shop Local Artists Week celebrations. Be sure to mark your calendars for next year’s National Shop Local Artists Week December 1–7, 2019.

Want to celebrate and looking where to get started? Check out Americans for the Arts’ “How to Partner” toolkit and other resources at