Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Right Brain Initiative Grows 45 Percent

Corbett School District becomes the sixth to enroll in The Right Brain Initiative, and existing partner districts continue to demonstrate their commitment to arts education by adding more schools. Districts invest $15 per child to partner with the program, and the Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) leverages that investment with an additional $65 per student, raised from a variety of public and private sources...

These 14 new partner schools join 31 K–8 sites already served by The Right Brain Initiative. Last year, 10,376 students participated in the program, including 55% of whom qualify for free or reduced lunch, and 18% are English Language Learners. 54.5% are Caucasian, 24.7% Latino, 7.5% African-American, 6.9% Asian/Pacific Islander, and 6.4% are Native American or multi-ethnic. Right Brain also served 616 certified school administrators and teachers. Read more about Right Brain’s population served and developments in the new 2012 Progress Report.

Regional Arts & Culture Council 09/11/2012