Monday, March 19, 2012


Carson Foundation Donates $1M to Endowment

"The John W. Carson Foundation has given $1 million to the Nebraska Cultural Endowment, which supports statewide arts and humanities funding.

The announcement was made [March 16] in the Capitol Rotunda in Lincoln and at the Holland Performing Arts Center in Omaha.

Johnny Carson, a six-time Emmy winner who was born in Corning, IA, and grew up in Norfolk, NE, was the longtime television host of The Tonight Show. He died in January 2005.

The Nebraska Cultural Endowment is a private partner with the public Nebraska Arts Council and Nebraska Humanities Council, created to stabilize funding for the arts in the state.

Dollars contributed to the Cultural Endowment are matched by public funds and by local matches of goods and services.

In 2008, Omaha philanthropist Richard Holland aided in the passage of a bill that increased the fund to $10 million over a period of years, provided the increase was matched by private contributions."

Omaha World-Herald 03/17/2012