Thursday, June 28, 2012


OR: City Council Puts Arts Tax Up for Vote

"Portland voters in November will be asked to support a new $12 million annual tax to pay for arts and music teachers and arts programs.

The Portland City Council took the unusual step of referring the education-related tax to voters. Promoted by Mayor Sam Adams, who has prioritized school funding and arts throughout his 3 1/2 year term, the tax would pay for an estimated 68 elementary school teachers spread among Portland Public Schools, David Douglas, Reynolds, Centennial, Parkrose, and the Riverdale school districts.

The tax proposal heads to the November 6 ballot, where a separate Portland Public Schools bond measure for building improvements also is expected.

If approved by voters, the tax would charge $35 to all city residents 18 years and older who earn income. Residents would be required to file tax returns with the city and families below the federal poverty line would be exempt.

In addition to funding teaching positions, money also would be distributed to the Regional Arts & Culture Council to pay for grants for arts organizations."

The Oregonian 06/27/2012