Scholarship Will Support Phan’s Undergraduate Study at Rhodes College

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The NABE Foundation, the charitable arm of the National Association for Business Economics (NABE), and Americans for the Arts, the leading organization for advancing the arts and arts education in America, jointly announced today that Mary Anne Phan has won the eighth annual NABE Foundation/Americans for the Arts Scholarship Award. Phan was presented with the scholarship yesterday at the 2016 NABE Economic Policy Conference in Washington, DC. 
Phan will receive the $5,000 scholarship to further the integration of the arts into the study and application of economics in her undergraduate career and professional development. She is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Art History at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee.
“As an economics and art history double major, I am interested in the force of the art market on the economy and conversely, in economic motivations in art,” said Phan. “It is such an honor to receive the NABE Foundation/Americans for the Arts Scholarship Award and it will allow me to fund my study abroad at Lincoln College, Oxford University, next semester.”
Phan has a passion for classical music and an interest in integrating the rich traditions of classic music to modern times. She is an accomplished violinist—her studies have brought her to several music festivals, and she frequently plays with groups such as the Memphis Repertory Orchestra, and local string, jazz, and folk ensembles. Phan also manages a local chamber group, Sinfonietta, which provides free concerts featuring traditional Viennese and German works. 
During her undergraduate career, Phan hopes to delve further into learning the methods of economics and the themes of art history in a light that will lead her to a prosperous career. 
“I am delighted that Mary Anne will have the opportunity to continue pursuing her passion for both the arts and economics with the help of this scholarship award,” said Robert L. Lynch, president and CEO of Americans for the Arts. “This award reflects the fundamental belief that the arts are a key component in helping to prepare students to succeed, and it’s a pleasure to partner with the NABE Foundation for the eighth year to recognize student achievement in both the arts and economics.” 
“These award recipients are at the cutting edge of our profession; by operating at the intersection of economics and creativity, they see patterns in our behavior that others miss,” said Diane Swonk, founder of DS Economics and a NABE Foundation Board member. 
To read more about Phan’s perspective on the intersection of economics and the arts, read her blog post
The NABE Foundation Americans for the Arts Scholarship Award was established in 2008 to encourage the integration of the arts into the economic education process. Recipients of the scholarship must come from economically disadvantaged households and have attended public school. Successful candidates demonstrate long-term participation in the study of, creation in and/or performance in one or more art forms, including dance, music, theater, literary, visual/media arts; excel academically; and have formally declared the intent to study economics for policy purposes, or in applications in the private and public sectors. The scholarship recipients are selected following a competitive review process which begins with a pre-screening of applicants by Americans for the Arts, followed by a review of finalists by a subcommittee, and ratification of recipients by the NABE Foundation Board.
The National Association for Business Economics is the largest international association of applied economists, strategists, academics, and policy-makers committed to the application of economics in decision-making in the world. The NABE Foundation is supported by NABE members to provide scholarships, education, and other efforts to build the economic profession. More information is available at
Americans for the Arts is the leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts and arts education in America. With offices in Washington, D.C. and New York City, it has a record of more than 50 years of service. Americans for the Arts is dedicated to representing and serving local communities and creating opportunities for every American to participate in and appreciate all forms of the arts. Additional information is available at
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Melissa Golding, National Association for Business Economics
Inga Vitols, Americans for the Arts