Arts Education for America's Students

Friday, January 24, 2014

On Jan. 8, 2014, Americans for the Arts, along with twelve other arts and educational advocacy organizations release A Shared Endeavor: Arts Education for America’s StudentsThis document articulates the purpose and value of arts education in the balanced curriculum of all students, asserting its place as a core academic subject area, and detailing how sequential arts learning can be supported by rigorous national standards and assessments.

The model is predicated on the convergence the skills and expertise of arts educators, community arts organizations and in-school educators. As a result, students gain deeper, additional standards-based arts learning experiences by expanding opportunities and providing curricular connections among the arts and other subjects.

In the words of Americans for the Arts' CEO, Bob Lynch, “We hope that A Shared Endeavor can be a new tool to increase community dialogue in the field of arts education regarding access and equity to quality educational experiences, which include the arts.”

Read more from Bob Lynch on A Shared Endeavor on ARTSBlog.