On Friday, as the sun made it’s daily appearance over the Bay, Ray Pohlman from AutoZone asked us to pretend it was February in Minnesota and resist the urge to head out to the pool. For those of us who took his advice, it was worth it.

We got to hear why companies you might not expect including an auto parts company and an airplane manufacturer care about the arts.

According to Ray Pohlman, supporting the arts at AutoZone is for business reasons. They wouldn’t do it if wasn’t meaningful to the bottom line.

Through their partnership with ArtsMemphis and other arts organizations in Memphis, AutoZone is able to attract employees to the city and even more importantly, these employees are the creative employees they need.

Jim Herr from Boeing echoed these thoughts. Everything Boeing does begins with someone’s imagination and creativity for which the arts are an integral part. As a result, Boeing supports the arts and also advocates for the arts and arts education. But what if you don’t have a Boeing or AutoZone in your community? There are small and large businesses in your community waiting to find out why partnering with the arts makes business sense.

In order to get out the message, Americans for the Arts is launching the pARTnership Movement in October to provide arts organizations with the tools they need to work with the business community and to reach the business community with the message that the arts can advance their business goals. We want to learn more, please email me [email protected] with your suggestions.
