Lydia Zacharias

Lydia Zacharias

Many of the companies we work with at ArtsKC are engaged in a variety of programs, including our Now Showing program for emerging artists and businesses, Advocacy efforts, and workplace giving for the ArtsKC Fund. These corporate partners are not only passionate about supporting the arts in the Kansas City region, but are also achieving true employee engagement. Through their partnerships with ArtsKC, companies are able to provide unique engagement opportunities that encourage people to stay with the company longer, report higher levels of job satisfaction, and increase productivity through teamwork and a sense of personal investment from management. Many people are now more interested in working for companies in which they feel valued, and in which a certain level of work/life balance is encouraged, than ones that simply provide a paycheck. So, support of the arts is not only good for your corporate philanthropic efforts, it’s also good for your talent recruitment and retention efforts!

Three companies that participate in Workplace Giving Campaigns for the ArtsKC Fund come to mind when I think of using a fundraising campaign as a means for employee engagement. Rees Masilionis Turley Architecture hosts an arts scavenger hunt as part of their campaign. Teams pay an entry fee (which benefits the ArtsKC Fund) to participate in an afternoon of seeking out artistic treasures across the Kansas City area. There are prizes from local arts agencies up for grabs, and the event usually ends in fun social time.

Another stand-out employee engagement activity occurs every year during the Johnson County Government’s ArtsKC Fund campaign. They host an art show featuring employee works at the county office, during which pieces are auctioned off and all the proceeds benefit the ArtsKC Fund. They also sell calendars featuring employee artwork, engage employee musicians to provide entertainment for the event, provide light snacks, and invite employees and their families to attend. ArtsKC Fund campaign brochures and pledge cards are available for people who wish to make an additional contribution. In this way, Johnson County Government is building strong bonds within its workforce by encouraging people to share and appreciate the talents of their co-workers.

Finally, both kids and adults were actively engaged during last year’s Bryan Cave campaign! Each year, the law firm kicks off their campaign with a Valentine’s Day bake sale and silent auction, followed this past year by a 1,000 paper cranes origami challenge in which employees could make cranes at the office, bring their kids in to help, or take materials home and complete their project as a family. Bryan Cave employees also contributed to a ‘story chain’ as part of the ArtsKC at Work program. One story was passed via email from department to department, culminating a tall tale the whole company contributed to!

These are just a few examples of how businesses are engaging employees in philanthropic efforts that ripple out in positive ways, but the possibilities are nearly endless. Do you know a few folks in accounting who love to sing? Start an employee choir! Are your kids interested in taking painting lessons but you can’t find a studio space for them? Maybe your management team would be willing to donate the company cafeteria one night a week. Think about your own workplace and see what creative engagement opportunities you can find to unleash the power of the arts in your company!
