Yong Zhao

Out-of-Basement Through the Arts

Posted by Yong Zhao, Sep 15, 2016

Yong Zhao

How to get the kids out of the basement and live independently is a big concern for many parents. A Chinese father reflects on how studying and pursuing the arts was a positive and successful path to breaking barriers and breaking out of the family home.

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Ms. Madison Lukomski

A Platform for a Powerful Voice

Posted by Ms. Madison Lukomski, Jun 28, 2017

Ms. Madison Lukomski

After my father passed away suddenly, Poetry Out Loud gave me a link to connect to others with. It gave me the empowerment to confidently and unapologetically exist. It let me speak with my own voice. I will never, in my entire life, forget this organization and all of the people who created it. Without it, I solidly feel as though I would still be lost. I would feel as though my thoughts were not worth sharing, that my existence STILL had to be apologized for. I owe everything to Poetry Out Loud and I owe everything to art.

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Ben Rauth

Unexpected Insights

Posted by Ben Rauth, Sep 14, 2017

Ben Rauth

You have to remember, legislators spend their days with adults worried about infrastructure, healthcare, and taxes, all of which are legitimate concerns. However, the needs of high school students and their right to a well-rounded education are just as important as all those. As Ben Martin, Executive Director of the Missouri Alliance for Arts Education always told me, “They work for you!” So, we have just as much right to meet and express our sometimes surprising insights as anyone else.

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Myah Overstreet

Jason Wyman

The Issue of Creating Across Generations

Posted by Myah Overstreet, Jason Wyman, Jan 31, 2018

Myah Overstreet

Jason Wyman

Myah Overstreet (20) and Jason Wyman (41) are an intergenerational producing team with The Alliance for Media Arts + Culture. They have worked together for over two years co-piloting The Alliance Youth Media Initiatives. Their latest endeavor with The Alliance is The Issue, a new arts + culture magazine designed to inspire a future where we all belong, which was published on January 11, 2018. The Issue is a model of intergenerational collaboration and mutual reciprocity, where diverse voices are artfully represented and joyfully celebrated. Overstreet and Wyman recently sat down to chat how and why they collaborate and create across age as a means to create a more inclusive future. 

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Ms. Erika Atkins

Heleya de Barros

Scott Austin

The Hustle—Economic Sustainability in the Arts Education Field (Part 1)

Posted by Ms. Erika Atkins, Heleya de Barros, Scott Austin, Jun 12, 2018

Ms. Erika Atkins

Heleya de Barros

Scott Austin

A short play:

Me: I want to go into the arts.
Teachers/Friends/Family: What’s your back-up?

All three of us have had this conversation in some form at various points in our lives. We did it anyways. Pay equity for race and gender have been at the forefront of many national conversations, which has led many in arts education to question our own pay structures. In this two-part blog, we explore three different points of view on how pay equity issues affect arts education professionals, whether they are teaching artists, public school arts teachers, or arts education administrators.

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Ms. Caryn Cooper

Working Through and Around Challenges of the Pipeline in Arts Education

Posted by Ms. Caryn Cooper, Sep 12, 2018

Ms. Caryn Cooper

Working in any field, we want assurance that there is upward mobility in our careers. Once upon a time, that is something that would often happen. One would start in a specific entry-level role and move up the ranks to be a top-level executive. However, today things in the nonprofit sector, and more specifically in arts education, look a little different. This is due in part to several systemic challenges that often limit the opportunities of growth for emerging leaders. Given these challenges, how can an emerging leader in arts education work through and around these systemic barriers?

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