Robin Child

Arts Ed on the Bering Sea

Posted by Robin Child, Sep 15, 2016

Robin Child

Fall is sneaking its way into the air slowly here in northwestern Alaska. Soon, the all-night sunshine will be but a memory, the ocean will freeze over, and my job, as an art teacher, will be even more important: we all know how a little creativity can lift the spirits and a little color can turn a dark day around.

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Ms. Lauren S. Hess

And the Award Goes To...

Posted by Ms. Lauren S. Hess, Oct 26, 2016

Ms. Lauren S. Hess

We all know those hard working teachers who get up extra early and are in their classrooms long before students have arrived, preparing for the day’s lessons. These are the same teachers who spend their own money on extra supplies for their students. They stay after school advising various clubs to provide students more experiences in the arts. They go the extra mile to take their students on field trips to hear the local orchestra, or attend the art museum in their community. These are the amazing educators who love and care about the welfare of their students. How do we honor these individuals? I suggest an Awards Alternative.

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Ms. Bridget E. Woodbury

Are You as Connected as You Could Be? Introducing our Member Briefing Series

Posted by Ms. Bridget E. Woodbury, May 16, 2017

Ms. Bridget E. Woodbury

On February 8, Americans for the Arts launched our Arts Mobilization Center, which serves as a hub for all of our position papers. The Mobilization Center is available to the public and is intended to be a tool to help you advocate for the arts. Then, to help our members be the most effective advocates they can be, we launched a regular member briefing series on March 23. These are 30 minute calls available exclusively to members around a specific issue statement, topic area, or program update. During each call, Americans for the Arts senior staff members and I provide background on a given topic, then we take your questions live!

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Kayleigh Bryant-Greenwell

Through the Artist’s Lens: A Conversation with a Young Actor, Writer and Illustrator

Posted by Kayleigh Bryant-Greenwell, Sep 12, 2017

Kayleigh Bryant-Greenwell

Arts education means so much to so many people, it seems counterintuitive that its continuation in school communities and beyond is constantly under threat. I know that I would not be the person I am today, a successful and happy museum professional employed by the Smithsonian Institution, had I not had the opportunities in my youth to explore the vast world of visual art provided by my schools and local youth orgs. For the future of all our children, we must defend arts education every opportunity we get. With that in mind, I was extra delighted for the opportunity to get to know my colleague’s spirited and quite profound daughter better through this interview.

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Ms. Ahava Silkey-Jones

Arts High Schools: A Unique and Essential Model

Posted by Ms. Ahava Silkey-Jones, Nov 08, 2017

Ms. Ahava Silkey-Jones

I recently joined an arts high school community, and I live in awe of the complexity, depth, and flexibility that the arts school model provides. I’m enamored with the space we create when we design schools for students who have a demonstrated passion and aptitude for the arts. Arts schools allow our most creative young people in society to feel supported, celebrated, and encouraged to grow. I contend that the confidence, skills, and sense of community students gain from attending arts schools helps them to become the best version of themselves. 

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Ms. Argy Nestor

Leaning In With the Arts

Posted by Ms. Argy Nestor, May 09, 2018

Ms. Argy Nestor

Whatever your role is in arts education, the challenges of the world and today’s issues are seeping into our work (and even our play), much more than they did even a year ago or five years ago. Each day educators interact with young people facing challenges like food insecurity, immigration, and deportation issues, social or emotional health, fear of school shootings, sexual and gender orientation, just to name a few. In addition, teachers are challenged with standards, assessments, student behaviors, media literacy, school climate, student engagement, and much more. Many of these topics are intertwined. The issues weigh on our minds. I am hopeful that the arts will help us not only get through this difficult period but make us stronger!

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