Stephanie Hanson

Consider Creating a Conversation this October

Posted by Stephanie Hanson, Aug 19, 2011

Stephanie Hanson

Since Americans for the Arts started the Creative Conversations program in 2004, in response to the feedback and initiative of the Emerging Leaders Council, the program has grown to serve over 50 communities and about 2000 individuals each year. Through Creative Conversations, we have witnessed the creation of strong local emerging leaders networks that still exist today, observed communities start a cultural or strategic planning process, and helped unify groups of people engaged in arts and culture to help spark dialogue, spur advocacy efforts, and create networking opportunities.

While the Creative Conversations program was initially created by and for the Emerging Leaders Network, we have seen and welcomed interest in the program from other networks and individuals as well. Having the structure of a national movement connected to a community’s grassroots initiatives can provide a framework and timeline for enacting a new project or bringing different groups of people together around a single issue.

This year, we are officially expanding the Creative Conversations program to invite and encourage individuals, organizations, and networks of all types to host an event, and engage their community around a cultural topic or issue that is of importance to them locally. You can view ideas for previous Creative Conversations here.

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Terence McFarland

real time with matthew gross

Posted by Terence McFarland, Jun 03, 2007

Terence McFarland

So this is an experiment in my real time thoughts during internet advocacy leader Matthew Gross.

Former head of the Howard Dean campaign's online activities. He changed the game. He's sharing his rule book with us. As Nina said in the intro - He's creating the landscape we'll be walking through.

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Americans for the Arts

Guest Bloggers at Convention

Posted by Americans for the Arts, Jun 11, 2008

Americans for the Arts

Convention is right around the corner and I can taste the anticipation in the air! I am hearing from so many people about how excited they are to see each other, to attend sessions and just be in the same room together. Yes, I oversee two program tracks (Leadership and Career360) and I will be working throughout the three+ days. But my convention experience is more than my job. It reconnects me with why I do the work that I do. Sometimes I attend other national convenings and it takes energy away from me. The people at our convention fill me with energy; they feed my soul. I can’t wait.

We have invited some attendees to blog their convention experience and I’d like to take a moment to introduce them now.

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