Valerie Beaman

Private Sector Blog Salon: Partnering the Arts & Business

Posted by Valerie Beaman, Nov 14, 2011

Valerie Beaman

Valerie Beaman

Valerie Beaman

As arts organizations and businesses continue to face a recession coupled with rapid changes in demographics and technology, everyone is scrambling to rethink their strategies.

Many businesses are focusing their corporate giving on initiatives that demonstrate shared values and can also provide a return on investment. Arts organizations are exploring opportunities to partner with businesses that can be mutually beneficial and trying to figure out the messages that resonate with the business world.

All of these changes have provided an opportunity for the arts and business to explore new ways of working together.

For this Blog Salon, we’ve invited a select group of bloggers to tackle some of these questions and others, as they come up including:

How can the arts best demonstrate their benefit to the business world?
How will arts service organizations help foster these new partnerships between arts and business?
How have discipline based arts organizations embraced these strategies?
How will partnerships with business change arts participation?
Whatever happened to art for art’s sake?

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