cover of Arts Field GuideAn Arts Field Guide to Federal Disaster Relief was created by NCAPER to help demystify federal disaster relief for the arts and culture sector by helping artists and arts organizations see what’s available, understand clearly what isn’t available, and decide if pursuing federal aid is a good use of time. The top programs of use to artists and arts organizations have been selected for inclusion. ​

The Field Guide gives a snapshot of federal disaster assistance programs that can go into effect after a presidentially declared disaster and focuses on longstanding programs that are likely to continue. It includes in-depth information about financial assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Small Business Administration (SBA) along with introductory information about other federal resources that provide a mixture of financial and other assistance.

To view the Field Guide, please visit NCAPER's website at A spanish translation of the Arts Field Guide is available at the NCAPER website. Translated by Sandra Marulanda. La traducción en español de Una Guía en el Campo de las Artes está disponible en el sitio web de NCAPER. Traducida por Sandra Marulanda


cover of Cultural Placemaking GuideCultural Placekeeping Guide published by NCAPER as a way to introduce a network-building approach, called “cultural placekeeping,” for both safeguarding and strengthening local arts and culture communities. Organizing a self-help emergency action network to supplement and coordinate with the existing disaster management system is a way to foster community cohesion and connectedness—important generally and invaluable when a crisis strikes. Relationships built in advance, especially with emergency management personnel, can mean the difference between waiting a few minutes or hours, rather than several days or weeks, to get an email or phone call answered when a disaster happens. Building a better safety net is also about equity and “strength in numbers”—a network of networks that links and serves the diverse constituencies that make up the arts and culture sector.




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