An LAA By Any Other Name is Still an LAA—Common names of LAAs include:

  • Arts Council (or Arts & _________ Council)
  • Arts commission, cultural commission, or heritage commission
  • Cultural affairs department • Cultural alliance
  • Arts Center
  • Business Council for the Arts
  • Arts service organization
  • United Arts Fund
  • Or any creative name that suggest the Work they do like ArtsWave, 4Culture, and Allied Arts

Where Might an LAA Operate?

  • Within a local public/governmental agency
  • As a private organization
  • As a nonprofit organization
  • As for-profit organization
  • A hybrid nonprofit/for-profit organization or partnership

Why Are LAAs Important to a Communities Health and Vitality?

  • LAAs build healthy, vibrant and equitable communities
  • LAAs enable diverse forms of arts and culture to thrive
  • LAAs help ensure broad accessibility and public engagement with the arts culturally, socially, educationally, and economically
  • LAAs impact the economic health and growth of a community through vibrant arts programming
  • LAAs support and advance arts and culture at the local level and bring communities together
  • LAAs connect elected official and business leaders to the power of arts in the community

How do LAAs Impact the Community through the Arts?

  • Make grants to your local arts
    community community theater or symphony, arts festivals, individual artists
  • Present programming
    art classes, lectures, exhibitions
  • Manage cultural facilities
    performance or exhibition spaces, museums, arts incubators, live/work spaces
  • Provide services to artists and arts organizations
    professional development, visibility and advocacy support, technical assistance, group health insurance
  • Participate and often lead community cultural planning
    assessing community’s cultural needs and mapping a implementation plan
  • Advocate & promote arts-friendly policies
    ensure funding and government policies that support the arts and arts education
  • Forge partnerships with elected, business, and other community leaders
    chambers of commerce, school districts, faith-based organizations
  • Manage a public art program
    public art installations, percent for art programs, beautify community parks and neighborhoods

How do LAAs Get Funding to do their Work?

  • Local government allocations
  • Grants from State Arts Agency
  • Grants from the National Endowment for the Arts
  • Grants from foundations and businesses
  • Donations from Individuals
  • Membership dues
  • Fees for services and programs provided to the community
  • United Fund Campaign and work place giving programs

How Do I Get Involved?