Equestrian Oasis


Title: Equestrian Oasis
Photo Credit:
Lead Artist(s):
Richard Medlock


Equestrian Oasis offers functional and artistic amenities for horses and their riders in a prominent location at a 10-acre neighborhood park that is situated in the heart of Broward County’s horse country. It serves as a special gathering place for horses and their riders, a place for visitors to contemplate different layers of meaning, and to experience the equestrian life in an increasingly urbanized county. The main component of the Oasis design is a horseshoe-shaped earth mound lined with coral rock boulders and grass which opens eastward to catch the prevailing breezes. This affords a superior view of activities in the nearby competition ring. The western end of the berm is topped by two oversized cement saddle sculpture seats that cradle the sunset on summer and winter solstices, offering the opportunity for community celebrations of the solstice on June 21 and December 21. Through this celebration of the bi-annual migration of the sun through the sky, the artist honors the name of the park in which the oasis is located: Sunshine Ranches. The horse watering trough set into a sculptural outcropping of coral rock is a fully functional feature well-used by equine visitors. Another prominent feature is the relief carving of the Golden Horse of Southwest Ranches, which recalls the legendary White Horse of Uffington thought to have been created by ancient Druids in Great Britain over 3000 years ago. A Fibonacci trail of trees that begins at the hand-crafted hitching post just outside the oasis, is designed to be a mathematical puzzle that leads the visitor into and out of the oasis by following a sequence of Sabal Palms arranged to create an imaginary lasso shape. These trees are planted in groups according to a Fibonacci number series. The number series, (1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55, etc.), in which each successive number is equal to the sum of the two preceding numbers, was described in the 13th century of Leonardo Fibonacci. This ratio of adjacent numbers, also known as the Golden Mean, is the primary expression of growth patterns in nature.


Sunshine Ranches Equestrian Park
Sunshine Ranches Equestrian Park
Southwest Ranches, FL 33330
United States

click the map to enlarge

Broward County Pubic Art and Design Program

Rock, earthwork, watering trough, landscaping