Poly Poly


Title: Poly Poly
Photo Credit: Photos by Mary Berger, courtesy of Sean O'Meallie.
Lead Artist(s):


A grid of inflatable vinyl macaws installed overhead between the historic Carlton and Hibbard buildings in downtown Colorado Springs, Poly Poly explores the air space above a downtown alleyway, encouraging visitors to view their surroundings (and the value of the alleyway) with a fresh perspective. A toy inventor turned artist, Sean O'Meallie has also incorporated elements of city founder General Palmer's precise right-angled grid city layout in his vertical curtain. Colorado Springs is unique in that there is no percent for art ordinance, and so art in public places is typically privately funded smaller-scale stand-alone sculptural works. Poly Poly not only pushes the boundaries of what is typically considered for temporary civic sculpture programs, but also helps move forward the discussion in our community on the role of public art. As a large-scale artwork integrated with downtown's existing architecture, Poly Poly was photographed and discussed widely in press and social media. This piece was a temporary installation included in the 2015-2016 Art on the Streets, Downtown Colorado Springs' annual juried sculpture exhibit. Poly Poly was initially installed for a 6-month time period; the popularity of the piece resulted in private fundraising that will allow the piece to be reinstalled in the same location for an extended time period. The piece was installed with assistance from Tom Avgerinos, Murphy Constructors, property owners Dave Lux and Ralph Hibbard, and Downtown Partnership staff Sandy Friedman.


Public Space
Poly Poly was included in the 2015-2016 Art on the Streets, Downtown Colorado Springs' annual juried sculpture exhibit
Downtown Colorado Springs
15 - 17 S. Tejon Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
United States

click the map to enlarge

Downtown Ventures (Downtown Partnership of Colorado Springs)
Downtown Ventures (Downtown Partnership of Colorado Springs)
Steve Horner, P.E.

Ryan Lloyd

Found/Recycled Objects