Sky Song


Title: Primary view of "Sky Song" at Levitt Pavilion.
Photo Credit: Valerie Santerli
Lead Artist(s):

Contributing Artist(s):
Ryan Elmendorf


"Sky Song" is an interactive art installation, designed and fabricated by Denver-based artists Nick Geurts and Ryan Elmendorf. Situated at the Levitt Pavilion (a music/concert venue), the artwork enhances the visitor experience by allowing them to create their own sound and light performance.
Conceptually and formally, the work connects the earth to the sky. The mirror-polished stainless steel 8-foot sculpture invites passersby to press any combination of its 33 buttons which activate lights and sound on the secondary stainless steel sculpture on the facade of the Levitt Pavilion amphitheater. The mirror-polished stainless steel adds to the blurring of earth and sky, and viewed at the right angle, the two components seem to form one element.
The musical tones allow visitors to play songs or create their own musical melodies. The LED lights, when activated, create a lively display and a visual focal point for viewers. When a concert is underway at the Levitt Pavilion, the sound can be turned off, and only the lights will be active.
This piece is highly interactive, inviting visitors to create their own sound and light performance, adding to the mission of the venue, which provides over 50 free concerts per year. It also helps define the plaza where it is situated, adjacent to the concessions, helping to create a gathering place before and after a concert.


Performing Arts Center
Based on a national model, the Levitt Pavilion provides over 50 free concerts in their amphitheater. Levitt Pavilion was recently built in Ruby Hill Park, which is situated in south Denver. The artwork is comprised of two structures, one in the center of the concessions plaza, and the other on the south-facing facade of the amphitheater itself. Playing the buttons on the plaza component activates the light and sound on the secondary, facade component.
Lavitt Pavilion at Ruby Hill Park
1380 W Florida Ave
Denver, CO 80223
United States

click the map to enlarge

Denver Arts & Venues - Public Art Program
Denver Arts & Venues - Public Art Program
Nick Geurts

Ryan Elmendorf

Installation, Sculpture, Site integrated architectural work, Sound
Electronics, LED, Light, Metal, Sound
The structures are built out of stainless steel. Artwork includes electronics, LED lights, sound, and outdoor-rated buttons for activating the light and sound.