Kevin Seaman, American Express Emerging Leader Awardee

2017 Honoree - American Express Emerging Leader Award


Kevin Seaman is an interdisciplinary artist and cultural worker with over a decade of experience working with Bay Area arts communities. He was named one of SF Weekly’s 16 Artists to Watch in 2016 and was an inaugural Association for Performing Arts Professionals’ Leadership Fellow. Kevin is the Director of Bring Your Own Queer (BYOQ) and will be relaunching the organization’s signature large-scale queer arts event in Golden Gate Park in the fall of 2017. As a consultant specializing in fundraising and capacity building, he has helped to raise over $2 million for organizations and individual artists rooted in LGBTQ communities and communities of color. With his partner Beatrice Thomas, Kevin has led artist-focused workshops for the National Queer Arts Festival, Center for Cultural Innovation, and Groundswell Institute, and has promoted queer arts by facilitating workshops for Grantmakers in the Arts, APAP|NYC, and California Presenters. Creatively, he has been presented at Atlantic Center for the Arts, the de Young Museum, Austin International Drag Festival, Yale School of the Arts, and FRAMELINE, and has produced myriad performances and events that highlight LGBTQ and drag culture. Kevin is a core artists and performer in Daughters of a RIOT!, a multidisciplinary theatrical show staging key moments in San Francisco’s LGBTQ civil rights history, and is currently in residence at Brava Theater creating his first solo production #femmasculine, a whimsical, interdisciplinary performance exploring gay male gender and sexuality.