Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman (D-CT)

2018 Honoree - Lieutenant Governors Arts Leadership Award


Americans for the Arts and the National Lieutenant Governors Association (NLGA) presented Connecticut Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman with the Public Leadership in the Arts Award for State Arts Leadership at NLGA’s annual meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.
“I am honored to receive this award, but I do so on behalf of our Connecticut Office of the Arts and the many advocates throughout the state who work so hard to ensure the arts are part of our communities and our lives,” said Lt. Governor Wyman. “Art adds depth and texture to our public spaces, it starts conversations, and it helps build thriving and vibrant centers of commerce. I applaud Americans for the Arts and the NLGA for their longstanding commitment to our communities and thank them for their tireless leadership.”
Lt. Governor Wyman, a former x-ray technician, has served two terms as Connecticut’s 108th Lieutenant Governor. She recently announced her retirement from public service at the end of her term, which expires in January of 2019.  
Lt. Governor Wyman began a career in public service more than 30 years ago when she successfully sought a seat on the Tolland Board of Education, where she served for eight years. Lt. Governor Wyman was then elected to four terms in the State House of Representatives where she was the chair of the Education Committee and held a leadership position on the Appropriations sub-committee on Elementary and Secondary education.
In addition to her work in Connecticut, Lt. Governor Wyman has been an active member of NLGA where she served as chair in 2014. During the past eight years, she has been a strong supporter of arts and culture. She has consistently spoken out at NLGA convenings on the importance of the arts and arts education, and has served as guest speaker and host for several statewide arts programs/initiatives. 
As co-chair for the Interagency Council to close the Achievement Gap, Lt. Governor Wyman has brought together commissioners from a variety of departments from across the state including education, housing, child welfare, the arts, and justice. She has said that she draws upon her experiences with her children and grandchildren when addressing the needs of the state. 
“Lt. Governor Wyman understands first-hand the important role the arts play in a well-rounded education, and has been an extraordinary proponent for important issues affecting the citizens of Connecticut including arts and arts education. She is a true champion for the arts,” said Robert L. Lynch, president and CEO of Americans for the Arts.

“Lt. Governor Wyman consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty for the state of Connecticut. She is quick to step in to support the arts and reinforce the important role the arts play in our daily lives. Her steadfast support of the arts and leadership in Connecticut will surely be missed when she retires,” said Kristina Newman-Scott, Director of Culture for the State of Connecticut.