A Guide to Orchestra Governance


Research Abstract
A Guide to Orchestra Governance

Introduction: An overview of orchestras and orchestra governance.

1. The function of governance.

2. Responsibilities of the orchestra board.

Recognizing the benefits.
Forming the planning team.
Conducting the process.
Development and fundraising.
Setting an example with individual giving.
Identifying, cultivating and soliciting donors.
Making the case for the orchestra.
Providing resources for development and fundraising.
Financial oversight.
Approving the financial plan.
Approving and monitoring the annual budget.
Assuring an annual audit.
Managing investments.
The executive director and the music director.
Conducting the search.
Creating a supportive working climate.
Evaluating performance.
Artistic policy.
Board education and self-evaluation.
Questions board members should ask during planning.

3. The structure of orchestra boards.

Board size.
Board composition.
Recruitment and selection.
Identifying prospective board members.
Interviewing and evaluating prospective board members.
Length of service.
The board president.
Board committees.
Executive committee.
Nominating or board development committee.
Finance committee.
Development Committee.
Planning committee.
Artistic advisory committee.
Personnel committee.
Other committees.
Board meetings.
Orchestra documents.
Board orientation.
Board information.
Board member position description.
Board member qualifications checklist.
Board president position description.
Board of directors handbook checklist.
Board information checklist.

4. Board relationships.

The board and the executive director.
The board and the music director.
The board, the staff and the musicians.
The board and the volunteer association.

5. The individual board member.

Board business.
Organization, staff and artistic product.
Fiscal and development responsibilities.
Orchestra events and public image.
Education, self-evaluation and burnout.

6. Board liability and ethics.

Fiscal liability.
Conflict of interest.
Relationships with staff and musicians.
Insuring against liability.
Orchestra ethics.

7. Orchestra governing board profile.

Readings and resources [bibliography].
Glossary of orchestra and orchestra management terms.


Hirzy, Ellen Cochran
58 p.
December, 1990

American Symphony Orchestra League
33 West 60th Street, 5th Floor
New York
NY, 10023-7905