Art and Culture in Communities: A Framework for Measurement


Research Abstract
Art and Culture in Communities: A Framework for Measurement

This brief summarizes the research and measurement framework developed by the Arts and Culture Indicators in Community Building Project (ACIP) to help answer some basic questions about the presence and role of the arts, culture, and creativity in the community building processes at the local level. Questions guiding the development of this framework include:

  • How are arts, culture, and creativity defined, presented, and valued at the neighborhood level?
  • What should be measured and why?
  • What neighborhood-level data are already available for this purpose?
  • What kinds of information need to be collected?

ACIP is the flagship initiative of the Urban Institutes Culture, Creativity, and Communities program.

This brief summarizes the research and measurement framework developed by the Arts and Culture Indicators in Community Building Project (ACIP) to help answer some basic questions about the presence and role of the arts, culture, and creativity in the community building processes at the local level.

Jackson, Maria-Rosario, Ph.D.; Herranz, Joaquín, Jr.; Kabwasa-Green, Florence
Policy Briefs of the Culture, Creativity, and Communities Program
Policy Brief No. 1
October, 2003

Urban Institute Press
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DC, 20037