Art, Culture, and Policy: Prospects for the Twenty-First Century


Research Abstract
Art, Culture, and Policy: Prospects for the Twenty-First Century

This issue of The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society was drawn from discussions of the prospects for art, culture, and policy at the 26th Annual Conference on Social Theory, Politics and the Arts (STP&A). Co-sponsored by Americans for the Arts and the Center for Art and Culture, the symposium took place in Washington, D.C. from October 12th to 15th, 2000. Included is a collection of papers, remarks, and reports reflecting some of the positions expressed by policymakers, practitioners, and scholars concerning these issues.

The topics include the appropriate role for federal, state, and local governments and institutions in forging arts and cultural policies, as well as the possible roles for those involved in creating and influencing arts and cultural policies in the private sector. The first half of the issue focuses on the challenges of creative effective public policies, and the second half focuses on the significance of organizations, individuals, and community-based associations in forging effective arts and cultural policies and the boundaries that often are crossed in the process of creating such policies.


  • Introduction.
  • Creative Purposes and Public Programs.
  • America's Cultural Capital: Recommendations for Structuring the Federal Role.
  • The National Government and the Arts: Impressions from the State and Jurisdictional Arts Agencies.
  • Resistance to the Bureaucratization of Culture: Lessons from the Chicano Art Scene.
  • More than a Hobby: Adult Participation in the Informal Arts.
  • An Emerging Youth-Centered Framework for Arts Learning.

This issue of The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society was drawn from discussions of the prospects for art, culture, and policy at the 26th Annual Conference on Social Theory, Politics and the Arts (STP&A). Co-sponsored by Americans for the Arts and the Center for Art and Culture, the symposium took place in Washington, D.C. from October 12th to 15th, 2000. Included is a collection of papers, remarks, and reports reflecting some of the positions expressed by policymakers, practitioners, and scholars concerning these issues.


Periodical (article)
Galligan, Ann M.
The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society
Volume 31, Number 3
78 p.
Fall 2001

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