Arts and Sciences in the Charlotte Economy


Research Abstract
Arts and Sciences in the Charlotte Economy

Arts and Sciences in the Charlotte Economy is a study that analyzed the economic impact of spending by nonprofit cultural organizations in Charlotte in 1994. The most comprehensive of its kind ever conducted, this report brings compelling new evidence that the nonprofit arts and sciences are a significant industry in Charlotte, supporting jobs and stimulating the local economy.

In 1994, Charlotte's nonprofit arts and science organizations generated $31.2 million of business. These expenditures supported 1,107 local full-time jobs, provided $23.5 million in personal income to local residents, and generated $821,000 in revenue to local government and $1.2 million to the state government.

Arts and Science Voluntarism: An economic impact beyond dollars.
Arts and Science organizations surveyed.
Studying economic impact using input/output analysis.
About this study:
     Steps to develop this report.
     The choice of economic analysis.
     Input/output analysis.

Arts and Sciences in the Charlotte Economy is a study that analyzed the economic impact of spending by nonprofit cultural organizations in Charlotte in 1994. The most comprehensive of its kind ever conducted, this report brings compelling new evidence that the nonprofit arts and sciences are a significant industry in Charlotte, supporting jobs and stimulating the local economy.

National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies
18 p.
December, 1994

Americans for the Arts (formerly National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies)
1000 Vermont Ave., NW 6th Floor
DC, 20005