Arts & Culture: Community Connections, Contributions from New Survey Research


Research Abstract
Arts & Culture: Community Connections, Contributions from New Survey Research

For most people who participate in arts and culture, the experience involves community connections with particular people or acquaintances in their communities; through community organizations that are important to them; or at places that are familiar, friendly and accessible. These community connections represent 'paths of engagement,' and a deeper understanding of those everyday connections can open new opportunities for arts and cultural organizations to build participation. This is a key finding from a survey of residents in five places where prorgams have been working to broaden, deepen, and diversify cultural participation. In the Community Partnerships for Cultural Participation (CPCP) initiative, a total of 10 community foundations from around the country received grants from the Wallace-Reader's Digest Funds to induce more people to attend arts and cultural events, encourage people who attend to contribute their time and money as well, and attract people who do not usually attend.

The CPCP evaluation and survey suggest that if arts and cultural activities, broadly defined, are taken into account, civic participation may be more extensive than pessimists have warned. The research also suggests that cultural participation may be a 'path of engagement' to other forms of civic participation. Further, cultural participation may provide a basis for strengthening community bonds. In this view, cultural participation helps people articulate important aspects of themselves and their communities, thus encouraging attitudes, values, and social ties that underpin a well-functioning society.


Exhibit 1: Reasons Why People Attended Arts and Cultural Programs and Events Over the Last Year.
Exhibit 2: Places Where People Attended Arts and Cultural Programs and Events Over the Last Year. Turning Community Connections Into Engagement. What Counts as Arts and Cultural Participation. Profile of Frequent Participants in Arts and Culture. Exhibit 3: Two Definitions of Arts and Cultural Participation.
Exhibit 4: Attendance at Arts and Cultural Programs and Events. Arts & Cultural Connections for Community Building. Arts Participation is Civic Participation. Evaluation of the Community Partnerships for Cultural Participation Initiative. Community Foundations Participating in CPCP.


Periodical (article)
Walker, Chris
Building Arts Participation: New Findings from the Field
December, 2001