Arts Education Navigator: Facts & Figures


Research Abstract
Arts Education Navigator: Facts & Figures

[This] "series of e-books, Arts Education Navigator, to help educators, advocates, students, and organizations alike navigate the field of arts education as we work together to ensure that the arts are valued in our country as an important part of all students’ lives.

The Navigator series will cover multiple topics, such as the benefits of arts education, what quality arts education looks like, tips for evaluating arts education, and how to effectively make the case that the arts should be an integral part of a well-rounded education.

While the Facts & Figures Navigator will focus on getting you the data you need to make a strong case for arts education, check out our entire Navigator series for more tips and tools for how to effectively support arts education.

Facts & Figures will outline the benefits of arts education, as well as the needs of arts education, based on research, surveys, and reports all cited at the end of this e-book. (An important reminder: All studies cited show a correlation between arts learning and student success and do not imply that they are the direct cause of student success.)

These facts and figures are only helpful if you use them—be sure to check out the final section for ways to take action and share this information. Feel free to share this e-book and print specific pages for your local decision-makers." [Introduction, p. 1]

This series of e-books, Arts Education Navigator, to help educators, advocates, students, and organizations alike navigate the field of arts education as we work together to ensure that the arts are valued in our country as an important part of all students’ lives.


Americans for the Arts

Americans for the Arts
1000 Vermont Ave., NW 6th Floor
DC, 20005