Arts Enterprise Zones: A Preliminary Summary of Issues and Recommendations


Research Abstract
Arts Enterprise Zones: A Preliminary Summary of Issues and Recommendations

A number of key individuals involved in the arts and in economic development met to discuss ways to apply the concept of enterprise zones to the arts. The meeting was convened at the offices of Artspace Projects, Inc., on Tuesday, February 21, 1984. Specificially, participants were asked to address two questions: What is an arts enterprise zone? And what elements are necessary to make it work? The recommendations contained in this report were formulated from the responses to these queries.

I. Introduction: The governor's commission on economic vitality in the arts.
   The role of Artspace Projects, Inc.

II. Arts Economic development goals Enhancing the economic health and stability of
    the arts industry.
    A role for the arts in economic development and tourism goals

III. Cultural planning to maximize resources: Animation of public spaces through
     exhibition and performance. 
     Arts district support activities. 
     Performance space requirements.

IV. Current enterprise zone legislation: General description. 
     Tax incentives. 
     The relationship of current enterprise zones to the arts.

V. Arts enterprise zone: Definition and rationale. 
    A model for implementation. 
    Possible incentives.

VI. Summary of related enabling legislative actions.

A number of key individuals involved in the arts and in economic development met to discuss ways to apply the concept of enterprise zones to the arts. The meeting was convened at the offices of Artspace Projects, Inc., on Tuesday, February 21, 1984. Specificially, participants were asked to address two questions: What is an arts enterprise zone? And what elements are necessary to make it work?

Kartes, Cheryl
28 p.
December, 1983