

Research Abstract

Review by Andrew B. Harris of the book, ArtsMoney [New York, NY: Nea-Schuman, 1983,
291 p.].

Joan Jeffri's new book, ArtsMoney: Raising It, Saving It, and Earning It, takes up where her last book, The Emerging Arts: Management, Survival and Growth, left off.

The Emerging Arts looks at such phenomena as Off Off Broadway theatre companies, small dance companies, and cooperative galleries and it describes the growth of these groups into structured arts operations. After examining several groups and doing in-depth case studies, Jeffri concludes her first book with the statement:

It has become increasingly clear that institutional survival in the arts at the expense of the artists themselves is no survival at all. It is for this reason that the small, the new, the experimental must be encouraged and aided. In supporting those individuals and groups that emerge today, we must create even greater opportunities for those that emerge in the future, lest we be left with a history of artistic achievement that comes to an abrupt halt in the final decades of the twentieth century.

Jeffri's cautionary note, written over three years ago, has become a kind of haunting reality in the wake of the almost criminal reduction in support that is crippling the same artistic groups today. Therefore, it is welcome relief to find the same author returning to the scene of the crime, if you will, to offer her sage counsel by giving a course in survival training in this new and excellent study, ArtsMoney.

The Emerging Arts looks at such phenomena as Off Off Broadway theatre companies, small dance companies, and cooperative galleries and it describes the growth of these groups into structured arts operations.

Jeffri, Joan
December, 1982