Assessment and Participation in Art


Research Abstract
Assessment and Participation in Art

Most studies on assessment and participation in art neglect the process of art experience and judgment in favor of sociological categorization. Education is taken for artistic competence, values and human needs are reduced to interests. A valid conceptualization and a sophisticated theory of human behavior is needed to cope scientifically with the problem of art participation. In this contribution I will argue that social scientists have to turn to an integrated analysis of art participation in which the art experience is a key concept and in which artistic quality replaces social categorization of art. A policy of social art participation, based on theoretical and empirical knowledge about this experience, may successfully contribute to a rich and general participation in art.

Art participation and art experience: a new approach.
Interests, needs and values.
Arguments for a grounded policy of art participation.


Van der Tas, Jaap M.
December, 1993