Cases and Readings for Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations


Research Abstract
Cases and Readings for Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations

Cases and readings for Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations represents a joint effort by the editors to provide articles and cases to broaden and apply the concepts of marketings to nonprofit organizations. The selected articles describe specific applications of marketing for nonprofit organizations as well as discuss the adaptation of marketing concepts and theory to nonprofit organizations. The cases illustrate specific real-world applications of marketing in nonprofit organizations. All the cases are based on real situations, and most of the cases identify the actual organization.

The articles and cases selected for this book utilize the same organization as Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations, second edition, by Philip Kotler. Both books are divided into six parts. Part I (Understanding Marketing) explains the nature, role and relevance of marketing to nonprofit organizations. Part II (Organizing Marketing) shows how marketing can be organized in nonprofit organizations to carry out marketing analysis, planning and control. Part III (Analyzing Marketing Opportunities) describes the major concepts and tools available to the organization to help it understand its markets and potential strategies. Part IV (Planning the Marketing Mix) discusses the four major instruments - product, price, place and promotion - that constitute the organization's strategic and tactical means for relating to its markets. Part V (Attracting Resources) deals with attracting three major marketing resources - people, funds and votes. Finally, Part VI (Adopting Marketing) examines how marketing principles and techniques can be adapted to the marketing of anything - services, persons, places and ideas.

The articles were selected to be practical and useful in making marketing decisions for nonprofit organizations. Marketing's evolving role in nonprofit marketing is traced over the last 15 years, but most of the articles focus on how marketing concepts can be applied to specific nonprofit marketing problems. (p. xi-xii)

I. Understanding marketing: 
           Broadening the concept of marketing by Philip Kotler and Sidney J. Levy. 
           Factors influencing marketing's ability to assist non-profit organizations by 
           Philip D. Cooper and George E. McIlvain.
           Mickey Mouse Marketing by N. W. (Red) Pope.
           More Mickey Mouse Marketing by N. W. (Red) Pope.
           Product portfolio diagnosis for U. S. Universities by Gerald D. Newbould.
                SIOP- A poison prevention program.

II. Organizing marketing:
           Why data systems in nonprofit organizations fail by Regina Herzlinger.
           Marketing: One YMCA attacks the problems by Jacqueline Janders.
           Strategic planning in the marketing of a government program by
           Seymour H.Fine. 
           The marketing audit: a tool for health service organization's by
           Eric N. Berkowitz.
                Planned Parenthood of Atlanta.
                District of Columbia summer youth program.

III. Analyzing marketing opportunities:
           The public's perceptions of the American Heart Association: Awareness, image
           and opinions by F. Kelly Shuptrine and Ellen M. Moore.
           Marketing research in health services planning: a model by William A. Flexner
           and Eric N. Berkowitz. 
           A marketing segmentation approach to transit planning, modeling and
           management by Christopher H. Lovelock.
                Massachusetts state lottery. 
                United Way of Penobscot Valley.

IV. Planning the marketing mix:
          An empirical investigation of the appropriateness of the product life cycle to
          municipal library services by John L. Crompton and Sharon Bonk.
          Marketing communications in nonbusiness situation or why it's so hard to sell
          brotherhood like soap by Michael L. Rothschild. 
          Public services - to charge or not to charge by John L. Crompton. 
          A hungry problem for zoos: in search of new prey by Carol Kovach.
          Distributing public services: a strategic approach by Charles W. Lamb.
               Tuesday evening concert series Simon's Rock College.
               Alaska Native Arts and Crafts Cooperative, Inc.
               The threat of rumor to the nonprofit organizations.
               Kent State University: coping with image crisis.

V. Attracting resources:
           Marketing's application to fund raising by William A. Mindak and
           H. Malcolm Bybee.
           Church public relations: a check-off list by Ben Ramsey. 
           Direct-mail political fund raising by Brian A. Haggerty.
           Put your money on ice - how a slogan sparked a fund raising campaign by
           William R. Horne.
           The Baptists want you! by William Martin.
           Implementing the marketing process by Ernest R. Leach.
                Common Cause.
                Second Street Gallery.
                The Milwaukee Blood Center.

VI. Adopting Marketing: 
           Social marketing: an approach to planned social change by Philip Kotler and 
           Gerald Zaltman.
           Marketing down the road: The role of marketing analysis in transportation
           planning by Daniel J. Brown, Philip B. Schary and Boris W. Becker.
           A concept sector within the economy by Seymour H. Fine. 
                Tulsa Philharmonic. 
                Community Health Plan. 
                The Undercroft Montessori School.

Cases and readings for Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations represents a joint effort by the editors to provide articles and cases to broaden and apply the concepts of marketings to nonprofit organizations. The selected articles describe specific applications of marketing for nonprofit organizations as well as discuss the adaptation of marketing concepts and theory to nonprofit organizations. The cases illustrate specific real-world applications of marketing in nonprofit organizations. All the cases are based on real situations, and most of the cases identify the actual organization.

Kotler, Philip; Ferrell, O. C.; and Lamb, Charles W. Jr.
0-13-119081-4 (pbk)
380 p.
December, 1982

Prentice-Hall, Inc
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