Charity in the Workplace, 1992


Research Abstract
Charity in the Workplace, 1992

Charities outside United Way are winning tremendous increases in workplace contributions. In 1992, these contributions will have increased nearly sixfold in the ten years since 1982, according to a research report released this month by the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy. United Way, measnwhile, will have expanded 77% during this period.

While these numbers show significant dollar growth for both alternative charities and United Way, other numbers, inflation-adjusted, show that giving in real dollars to United Way has stagnated. From 1970 to 1990, when the United Way system under former President Bill Aramony was supposed to have achieved its greatest successes, total real dollars to United Way grew only two percent.

Staying ahead of inflation might be cause for celebration, but national income (Gross National Product) grew 48% and total private giving increased 54% (see Graph A ).

Alternatives gain momentum in '92 as United Ways' growth stagnates.
Top ten reasons for allowing alternative funds to take part in your company's  workplace campaign.
Workplace fund raising over the years.
Corporations increasingly turn to non-United Way charities.
Fortune 500 companies.
Elements of an open workplace charity drive.
Pioneers of the corporate frontier - the unsung heroes within companies.
Public campaigns now wide open offer many models of inclusiveness.
Diverse local funds fulfill community needs.


Conover, Kate and Daley, Beth
40 p
December, 1991

National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
1331 H Street, NW, Suite 200
DC, 20005
United States