Children's Museum of the Arts: Master Planning Report


Research Abstract
Children's Museum of the Arts: Master Planning Report

The Children's Museum of the Arts (CMA) emerges as a new institution in SoHo based on the vision of its founder, Kathleen Schneider. Her vision has been tempered and distilled through her work of a year, assisted by the professional museum planning firm, Anne Butterfield Company. It has been tested and refined based on thorough and objective market research conducted by People, Places and Design Research. . . . the planning team tackled the mission and goals first. With those established, parallel tracks of work were set in motion: the market research and analysis, and the institutional planning.

A workbook was developed and produced to ensure that each aspect of the planning was identified, that critical questions were asked and answered, and that the whole fit together. Each section of the work was approached two ways: the philosophical issues were raised and resolved, leading to logical, pragmatic goals and implementation plans. For example, the basic philosophical reasons for having members was defined, followed by a general design for the membership program leading to realistic staffing, income and expense projections. The market research and analysis served as a benchmark during the planning process.

Elements of that process included in-depth planning for: Governance - Board composition, structure, expectations, and formal Bylaws; Audience - defining primary and secondary audiences, their needs, and the ways in which CMA can reach and serve them; Programs - including exhibits, collections, program resources (workshops, courses, museum store, etc) special events and performances, staffing and volunteers; Facilities - indoor and outdoor needs, and site selection criteria; Financial Planning - capital and operating pro formas. The following represents a synopsis of the highly detailed plan that was created. It is intended to serve as a basic blueprint or working document for the many people who will now be involved in making CMA a reality: new Board and staff members, volunteers, prospective donors, architects, realtors, engineers, consultants in public relations, hard-and-software systems, designers and even the general public. (Introduction, p. 3-4)

Statement of purpose.
Exhibits and programs:
     Design principles.
     Exhibit and activity area.
     Rooftop playground.
     Artists studios.
Archives of international children's art.
Site selection criteria.
General comments on budget planning.
Notes on capital budget allowances.
Notes on capital budget detail items O. and P.
Opening quarter and fiscal year 1992 income projections.
Suggested gift pyramid.
Appendix - Market analysis.


Anne Butterfield Company
45 p., appendix
December, 1988

Children's Museum of the Arts
182 Lafayette Street
New York
NY, 10013