Citizens or Consumers: Today's Art Museum and Its Public


Research Abstract
Citizens or Consumers: Today's Art Museum and Its Public

Paper presented at the conference Art Museums and the Price of Success; an International Comparison, held at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on December 10 and 11, 1992, and organized by the Boekman Foundation, Amsterdam.

... [the author] uses the concepts of citizenship and consumership to outline the changing role of the museum in society, and with respect to education and the increase of museum audiences. He points out the challenges and dangers for museums in the 1990's. Art museums have to map out their way between dedication to both artistic diversity and quality versus the pressure to commercialize, and political pressure on museums. (General Introduction, p. 13)

Europe versus the : similarities and differences.
The art museum and its public.
Social obligations.
The future: citizens or consumers.
The challenge of the 1990's.

Paper presented at the conference Art Museums and the Price of Success; an International Comparison, held at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on December 10 and 11, 1992, and organized by the Boekman Foundation, Amsterdam.

Conference Paper/Presentation
Wood, James N.
90-6650-037-9 (p)
December, 1992

Boekman Foundation
Herengracht 415
, 1017 BP