Cultural Mapping: A Handbook for Developing a Creative Placemaking Tool


Research Abstract
Cultural Mapping: A Handbook for Developing a Creative Placemaking Tool

This handbook outlines the process of creating GEOLOOM, a tool to foster creative placemaking through capturing the broad range of arts and culture in Baltimore, Maryland. While Baltimore is a city of approximately 600,000 residents, the process can be adapted for a community of any size, city or town, urban or rural. All communities have both formal and informal arts and cultural activities and we believe that mapping them along with other data can assist in teh decision-making necessary for making communities vibrant and sustainable.

This handbook outlines the process of creating GEOLOOM, a tool to foster creative placemaking through capturing the broad range of arts and culture in Baltimore, Maryland. While Baltimore is a city of approximately 600,000 residents, the process can be adapted for a community of any size, city or town, urban or rural. All communities have both formal and informal arts and cultural activities and we believe that mapping them along with other data can assist in teh decision-making necessary for making communities vibrant and sustainable.


Myatt, Alice
July 2017
GEOLoom Handbook

Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance-The Jacob France Institute
1420 N. Charles Street
MD, 21201
United States