Cultural Policy in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


Research Abstract
Cultural Policy in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

The author examines cultural policy in the Soviet Union.


  • Introduction.
  • Stages in the evolution of the cultural policy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
  • Administrative and financial structure.
  • Evaluation of cultural needs and the forecasting of cultural development.
  • Dissemination of culture and encouragement of artistic creation.
  • Cultural policy and the formation and development of the personality.
  • Statistical tables.
  • Organizational charts.

This survey has been prepared for Unesco by Professor A. A. Zvorykin, with the assistance of N. I. Golubtsova and E. I. Rabinovich, of the Institute for Applied Social Studies attached to the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. The opinions expressed are the authors' and do not necessarily reflect the views of Unesco.

This article is part of a series published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to show how cultural policies are planned and implemented in various UNESCO member states. As cultures differ, so does the approach to them; it is for each Member State to determine its cultural policy and methods according to its own conception of culture, its socio-economic system, political ideology and technological development. However, the methods of cultural policy (like those of general development policy) have certain common problems; these are largely institutional, administrative and financial in nature, and the need has increasingly been stressed for exchanging experiences and information about them. This series, each issue of which follows as far as possible a similar pattern so as to make comparison easier, is mainly concerned with these technical aspects of cultural policy.

This article is part of a series published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to show how cultural policies are planned and implemented in various UNESCO member states.

Zvorykin, A.A.; Golubtsova, N.I.; and Rabinovich, E.I.
68 p.

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75352 Paris 07 SP