Economics of the Visual Arts


Research Abstract
Economics of the Visual Arts

To date, information about the economics of the visual arts in Canada has been sketchy and sporadically assembled. Little is known about the structure, mechanics and performance of that market and consequently it is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of government programs for the visual arts.

In the first phase, the consultant developed a methodology suitable for the classification of a wide range of visual arts products. The second phase consisted of a preliminary review to develop a basic knowledge of the visual arts market, its structure, performance and mechanics. This analysis is accompanied by recommendations for further research. In the last part, the consultant compiled a bibliography and statistics pertaining to the visual arts in Canada. The purpose of this task was to provide recommendations for the development of a comprehensive statistical and informational program.

Product definition.
Visual arts market profile.
A review of statistical information pertaining to the visual arts in Canada.
A bibliographic background pertaining to the visual arts in Canada.

To date, information about the economics of the visual arts in Canada has been sketchy and sporadically assembled. Little is known about the structure, mechanics and performance of that market and consequently it is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of government programs for the visual arts.

E.R.A. Consulting Economists
December, 1977