Educating Leaders/Managers of Nonprofit Organizations


Research Abstract
Educating Leaders/Managers of Nonprofit Organizations

Proceedings of the Academic Focus Group meeting convened by the Effective Sector Leadership/Management Program of Independent Sector, Washington, D.C., May 27, 1987. On May 27, over 150 people attended Independent Sector's Academic Focus Group meeting on University Based Programs for nonprofit organization leaders and managers. Academic Focus group recommendations:

  1. Colleges and universities should collaborate with independent sector leaders (e.g. managers and board members of key nonprofits, foundation and corporate funders and technical assistance providers) with an emphasis on local needs.

  2. Funders should support university based educational efforts, set aside money for grants and scholarships, and investin experimental academic programs.

  3. Training and consulting organizations should assess needs and interests of the nonprofit sector. Equal importance given to a model of consultants serving in an advisory capacity and being directly involved with program delivery (one consideration: the university provides core education; specialized organizational training continues to be the consultant's role).

  4. Nonprofit organizations should provide scholarship, tuition reimbursement and other incentives to employees/potential candidates. (p. 3)

1. Executive summary.
2. The academic focus group, Educating leaders/managers of nonprofit organizations.
         A. Welcome/overview (synopsis) by Sandra Gray, IS.
         B. Introduction of Keynote speaker (synopsis), Brian O'Connell, IS.
         C. Keynote Speech (verbatim), Dr. Paul Ylvisaker, Harvard University.
         D. Paper Educating Managers of Nonprofit organizations, Professors
             Young (SUNY) and O'Neill (U/SF) (synopsis).
         E. Panel discussion/reactors/open discussion (synopsis): 
                  Moderator: Shalom Saar, Center for Public Management. 
                  Panelists:  Althea T. Simmons, NAACP.
                                   Tom Ference, Columbia University.
                                   Lizabeth Sode, Beatrice Companies, Inc.
                                   Professors Young and O'Neill.
         F. Afternoon discussion groups (synopsis).
3. Key recommendations.
4. Evaluation (synopsis).
5. Post Script - Sandra Gray, IS.

     A. Recommended readings on leadership - John Gardner.
     B. Citizenship and Community Service -- Are they a concern and responsibility of
         higher education? - Brian O'Connell, IS.
     C. Working paper for afternoon discussion groups.
     D. Attendees.

Proceedings of the Academic Focus Group meeting convened by the Effective Sector Leadership/Management Program of Independent Sector, Washington, D.C., May 27, 1987. On May 27, over 150 people attended Independent Sector's Academic Focus Group meeting on University Based Programs for nonprofit organization leaders and managers.

Independent Sector, Effective Sector Leadership/Management Program
45 p.
December, 1986

Independent Sector
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DC, 20036