For Immediate Release: Strategic Media for Local Arts Agencies


Research Abstract
For Immediate Release: Strategic Media for Local Arts Agencies

When it comes to media coverage, many local arts agencies are so busy being reactive, there is often little time to be proactive. These days public outcry and funding crises often eclipse the stories that can arouse favorable public opinions about the arts in your community. Due to time constraints, we hope that by mailing releases and holding news conferences, we will rally public support on the issues. In fact, good, steady, consistent media coverage depends on more than just publicity. When done right, even agencies with only a handful of staff will see results. By learning to build relationships with local reporters, create strategies for press placement, fine tune your message and pitch arts stories to non-traditional newspaper sections such as business or heath, local arts organizations can not only heighten visibility for their agencies and the arts and bolster membership efforts, but also begin to shape public opinion through the media.

This Monographs can help you think about new ways to make media work for you. Following an overview of what makes news, this issue will explore how to disseminate that news and suggest new ways of thinking strategically about press coverage. Three examples of local arts agency media efforts give some insight on how agencies like yours are working to address a community's specific needs.

What's news?
Compiling your press kit.
Getting acquainted.
Understanding media.
Tools of the trade.
The press release.
The press conference.
Op-eds/letters to the editor.
Radio and television.
On and off the record.
Picking spokespeople (and when media pick you!).
Media relations: three examples.
Creating a consistent message: a case study.
Launching a public service campaign in the media.
Arts on the air waves: working with radio.
Other ideas.

This Monographs can help you think about new ways to make media work for you. Following an overview of what makes news, this issue will explore how to disseminate that news and suggest new ways of thinking strategically about press coverage.

Periodical (article)
Neiman, Jennifer
National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies Monograph
Volume 5, Number 7
September, 1996

Americans for the Arts
1000 Vermont Ave., NW 6th Floor
DC, 20005