Future Investments-Two Examples of Developing Family Audiences for the Arts in San Diego


Research Abstract
Future Investments-Two Examples of Developing Family Audiences for the Arts in San Diego

San Diego is the third fastest growing county in California, with a predicted growth rate of 6.1% between 1999-2004. Rapid population change means San Diego's arts community is faced with the imperative to attract new audiences. While the majority of arts organizations have traditionally been more successful at attracting audiences in the 45+ age group, many are now looking to develop family audiences, in order to increase and diversify their attendance by attracting both young adults and children. This case study provides examples of two San Diego based arts organizations: The Museum of Contemporary Art and San Diego Performing Arts League, who have taken the initiative to develop family audiences.

San Diego is the third fastest growing county in California, with a predicted growth rate of 6.1% between 1999-2004. Rapid population change means San Diego's arts community is faced with the imperative to attract new audiences. While the majority of arts organizations have traditionally been more successful at attracting audiences in the 45+ age group, many are now looking to develop family audiences, in order to increase and diversify their attendance by attracting both young adults and children. This case study provides examples of two San Diego based arts organizations: The Museum of Contemporary Art and San Diego Performing Arts League, who have taken the initiative to develop family audiences.


Case Study
Ball, Rebecca

Americans for the Arts (ArtsMarketing.org)
1000 Vermont Avenue, NW, 6th Floor
DC, 20005