Government Funding of Arts Agencies: Federal, State, and Local (2001-2021)


One Pagers
Government Funding of Arts Agencies: Federal, State, and Local (2001-2021)
  • Local government funding to their local arts agencies will be an estimated $797.3 million in 2021, a decrease of 7.5% from 2020. This is the second consecutive year of decline—both resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic—and followed eight consecutive years of local government funding increases. There are an estimated 4,500 local arts agencies in the U.S.($797.3 million = $2.66 per capita)
  • State legislative arts appropriations are expected to decrease 18.2% to $400.8 million in 2021, down from a high-water mark of $490 million in 2020. State arts agencies received a 36% increase in 2020. Even with the major appropriations decrease in 2021, it still exceeds 2019 ($354 million vs. $400.8 million). ($400.8 million = $1.21 per capita)
  • Federal appropriations to the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) increased to $167.5 million in 2021, up from $162.25 million in 2020. The highest level of NEA funding was $176 million in 1992.($167.5 million = 51 cents per capita)

Note: These figures are limited to government funding directly to the NEA, state arts agencies, and local arts agencies. They do not represent the full breadth of government funding, such as legislative line items to cultural organizations, facilities, or arts funding by non-arts government agencies.

Sources:  Americans for the Arts, National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, and U.S Census Bureau, 2021.


Arts Facts...Government Funding to Arts Agencies
In 2021, local and state government funding to their arts agencies is expected to decrease due to the pandemic’s impact on government budgets. NEA funding increased to $167.5 million.


Cohen, Randy
Research 1-Page Summaries
March 2021