Guiding Questions for the Development of a Public Art Program


Research Abstract
Guiding Questions for the Development of a Public Art Program
The number of public art programs in the US continue to grow with interest spreading from urban centers to mid-size cities to rural areas. A 2017 survey of public art programs found that 44 percent of the responding programs have started since 2000. With the upward growth of programs and continued interest in developing public art projects, it is essential that communities consider what it means to commission, manage and collect public artworks. 
This document provides a list of questions to help guide the beginning discussions needed to create the structure of a public art program. Use the following questions to reflect on the who, why and how public art will be implemented within your community. 
The questions are broken out into seven different sections to help you consider some of the overarching topics and issues that will need to be addressed to create a successful program. For resources on specific topics, visit the Public Art Resource Center at
This document was developed in collaboration with the 2018 Public Art Network (PAN) Advisory Council. The PAN Council is made up of leaders in the field, both administrators and artists, who are deeply knowledgeable and skilled in public art program development and project management.
The number of public art programs in the US continue to grow with interest spreading from urban centers to mid-size cities to rural areas. A 2017 survey of public art programs found that 44 percent of the responding programs have started since 2000. With the upward growth of programs and continued interest in developing public art projects, it is essential that communities consider what it means to commission, manage and collect public artworks. 
This document provides a list of questions to help guide the beginning discussions needed to create the structure of a public art program. Use the following questions to reflect on the who, why and how public art will be implemented within your community. 
The questions are broken out into seven different sections to help you consider some of the overarching topics and issues that will need to be addressed to create a successful program. For resources on specific topics, visit the Public Art Resource Center at
This document was developed in collaboration with the 2018 Public Art Network (PAN) Advisory Council. The PAN Council is made up of leaders in the field, both administrators and artists, who are deeply knowledgeable and skilled in public art program development and project management.

Americans for the Arts
May 2018
Guiding Questions for Dev of PA Program

Americans for the Arts
1000 Vermont Ave., NW 6th Floor
DC, 20005