How Board Members Can Raise Funds Without Asking for a Dime


Research Abstract
How Board Members Can Raise Funds Without Asking for a Dime

It is that time of year again. Along with carols on the radio and extended shopping hours, it is the time when people are thinking about making their end-of-the-year donations. It is also the time when board members in nonprofit organizations are praying that they will capture their share of these philanthropic dollars. Most board members hate to ask people for money. But even the most fundraising-phobic board members can contribute to their organization's fund development process. The secret is to adopt an investment philosophy in three key areas:

    1. Invest in board education.
    2. Invest in strategic thinking.
    3. Ask for an investment in the community.
It is that time of year again. Along with carols on the radio and extended shopping hours, it is the time when people are thinking about making their end-of-the-year donations. It is also the time when board members in nonprofit organizations are praying that they will capture their share of these philanthropic dollars. Most board members hate to ask people for money. But even the most fundraising-phobic board members can contribute to their organization's fund development process.

Periodical (article)
Tempkin, Terrie
Nonprofit World
Volume 19, Issue 6
October, 2001

Society for Nonprofit Organizations
5820 Canton Center Rd, Suite 165
MI, 48187