How the Funds the Arts


Sample Document
How the Funds the Arts
In contrast to the European models, the U.S. system of arts support is complex, decentralized, diverse, and dynamic. It combines federal, state, and local government support with private subvention from individuals, corporations, and foundations, as well as box office receipts. If the American arts system is remarkably complex, decentralized, and dynamic, it is also uniquely effective producing a cultural landscape of enormous size and unmatched diversity. No one, not even the NEA, has exact statistics on American cultural institutions because they change so rapidly, but an expert estimate of different fields leads us to som e_x005Fastonishing numbers.
This monograph explores the entire funding network and details how the financial system in the fosters artistic creativity and preserves artistic traditions.

Sample Document
National Endowment for the Arts
How the Funds the Arts
October, 2004

National Endowment for the Arts
1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
DC, 20506