Infographic: Nine Effective Practices for Building Audiences for the Arts


One Pagers
Infographic: Nine Effective Practices for Building Audiences for the Arts

Based on case studies of 10 arts organizations that undertook audience-building projects as part of the Wallace Excellence Awards initiative, the report, The Road to Results: Practices for Building Arts Audiences, pinpoints nine practices that successful efforts had in common — from identifying a target group that made sense for the organization to determining what barriers needed to be removed for that target to join the audience. Filled with examples of successes and challenges from the work of museums, opera companies, a theater and other institutions, the report can serve as a guide to audience building for all arts groups. A separate infographic summarizes the nine practices on a single page.

Based on case studies of 10 arts organizations that undertook audience-building projects as part of the Wallace Excellence Awards initiative, the report, The Road to Results: Practices for Building Arts Audiences, pinpoints nine practices that successful efforts had in common — from identifying a target group that made sense for the organization to determining what barriers needed to be removed for that target to join the audience. Filled with examples of successes and challenges from the work of museums, opera companies, a theater and other institutions, the report can serve as a guide to audience building for all arts groups. A separate infographic summarizes the nine practices on a single page.


Harlow, Bob
October 2014

The Wallace Foundation
5 Penn Plaza, 7th Floor
New York
NY, 10001