Is Baumol's Disease Alive and Ill in Louisville, Kentucky?


Research Abstract
Is Baumol's Disease Alive and Ill in Louisville, Kentucky?

Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Cultural Economics held May 12-14, 1986, at the Palace of the Popes in Avignon, France.

The author examines Baumol's disease (the concept that cost will increase more rapidly in the performing arts than in manufacturing if productivity increases at a faster rate in the latter than in the arts sector, assuming that wages increase at the same rate in both sectors) on two musical organizations in Louisville, Kentucky. The author concludes that this is the case, but that it is a long-run phenomenon. Includes tables and references.

Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Cultural Economics held May 12-14, 1986, at the Palace of the Popes in Avignon, France.

Conference Paper/Presentation
Felton, Marianne Victorius
December, 1985

Association for Cultural Economics