Knowledge to Understanding


Research Abstract
Knowledge to Understanding
This set of resources is useful to organizations that want to increase their social impact. The Kellogg Foundation asks, "Ever wonder if you are getting through to people?" They offer twelve principles in the Knowledge to Understanding framework that aid in knowledge transfer. An introductory video provides a snapshot of the framework and a report and interactive slideshow provides more depth into all twelve guiding principles. The twelve principles are: Right on Time; True, Not New; Look Who's Talking; A New View; Calm Down; Set the Hook; It Takes Two; One Bite at a Time; More than Words; How, Then What; Join the Club; and Head and Heart. To unpack one principle for the sake of example, "Set the Hook," suggests that a successful knowledge product must not only attract attention, but also embed itself in an issue the end user cares deeply about." The authors argue that getting the end user to notice is not enough to transfer knowledge. Instead, it is worth noting, "people will remember what they care about." In sum, it will be easier to make an impact where shared interests exist. It will take more effort and resources to transfer knowledge to an uninterested party. The report, entitled, "The What Works Framework: A Twelve Step Program for the Knowledge Industry," speaks most in-depth to the set of principles prescribed to unlock knowledge. These principles aid in effective knowledge transfer, defined as, "that which achieves not only understanding, but also a change in action or behavior (of the kind intended). This is the simplest indicator that knowledge absorption, retention and application = understanding." The report is user-friendly; each principle is augmented with graphics, quotes, and exemplar organizations and/or resources. The interactive slideshow depicts each principle graphically. The user can click on each to explore in detail. Here, the authors offer the bottom line: "While few products exemplify all twelve principles, successful knowledge products embody a mix of principles that take into account the end user, design, and distribution." ROI Strategy Studio (Return on Inspiration) designs powerful influence strategies, products, and business concepts to move that influence into the market. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation supports children, families and communities as they strengthen and create conditions that propel vulnerable children to achieve success as individuals and as contributors to the larger community and society.
This set of resources is useful to organizations that want to increase their social impact. The Kellogg Foundation asks, "Ever wonder if you are getting through to people?" They offer twelve principles in the Knowledge to Understanding framework that aid in knowledge transfer. An introductory video provides a snapshot of the framework and a report and interactive slideshow provides more depth into all twelve guiding principles. The twelve principles are: Right on Time; True, Not New; Look Who's Talking; A New View; Calm Down; Set the Hook; It Takes Two; One Bite at a Time; More than Words; How, Then What; Join the Club; and Head and Heart. To unpack one principle for the sake of example, "Set the Hook," suggests that a successful knowledge product must not only attract attention, but also embed itself in an issue the end user cares deeply about." The authors argue that getting the end user to notice is not enough to transfer knowledge. Instead, it is worth noting, "people will remember what they care about." In sum, it will be easier to make an impact where shared interests exist. It will take more effort and resources to transfer knowledge to an uninterested party. The report, entitled, "The What Works Framework: A Twelve Step Program for the Knowledge Industry," speaks most in-depth to the set of principles prescribed to unlock knowledge. These principles aid in effective knowledge transfer, defined as, "that which achieves not only understanding, but also a change in action or behavior (of the kind intended). This is the simplest indicator that knowledge absorption, retention and application = understanding." The report is user-friendly; each principle is augmented with graphics, quotes, and exemplar organizations and/or resources. The interactive slideshow depicts each principle graphically. The user can click on each to explore in detail. Here, the authors offer the bottom line: "While few products exemplify all twelve principles, successful knowledge products embody a mix of principles that take into account the end user, design, and distribution." ROI Strategy Studio (Return on Inspiration) designs powerful influence strategies, products, and business concepts to move that influence into the market. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation supports children, families and communities as they strengthen and create conditions that propel vulnerable children to achieve success as individuals and as contributors to the larger community and society.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation and ROI Ventures