Letter of Agreement for Concept Consultancy: Template


Sample Document
Letter of Agreement for Concept Consultancy: Template

This Concept Consultancy Letter Agreement is intended to cover a specific situation – one in which an agency, program or private developer is interested in exploring the potential of an art project for a specific location. Often the first step in assessing this potential is a one-, two- or three-day intense creative session called a charrette. This charrette can involve one or more artists, other design professionals (such as architects, landscape architects and engineers), community members and agency employees. These ideation and design sessions are intended to produce many responses that could address what is possible for a specific site or circumstance. The charrette may result in the suggestion of a specific process for further development of the ideas (i.e. a Design Agreement) or a detailed procedure (such as a design competition) to select an artist whose work may be appropriate for the project.

This Concept Consultancy Letter Agreement Template is intended to cover a specific situation – one in which an agency, program or private developer is interested in exploring the potential of an art project for a specific location


Sample Document
Kirkland, Larry; Conley Odenkirk, Sarah
June 2010

Americans for the Arts
1000 Vermont Ave., NW 6th Floor
DC, 20005