Louisiana Arts in Education Public Survey 2009


Research Abstract
Louisiana Arts in Education Public Survey 2009

The Louisiana Arts Education School Survey was an online survey not mandated by any federal or state governed agency. 154 respondents completed the survey within 19 locations. 51.2% responded that there was no specific budget allocation for arts education. Given the demands of the core curriculum, 50.8% of respondents stated that students can devote one hour or less to studying the arts during the academic day. Dedicated classroom spaces for arts instruction included 67.2% and 68.3% for art and music, but only 9.9% for dance and 21.4% for theater. 79.6% of respondents stated that inter-disciplinary learning was encouraged through examples such as collaboration between teachers, supplementing curriculum with programs by outside performers and instructors, and having students complete or experience visual and performing arts in conjunction with curriculum subjects. Funding and space/facilities had the largest impact on decision making concerning decision making.


The Louisiana Arts Education School Survey was an online survey not mandated by any federal or state governed agency. 51.2% responded that there was no specific budget allocation for arts education.


Kid Smart and Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism
Title Page

State of Louisiana, Office of the Lt. Governor, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Office of Cultural Development, Louisiana Division of the Arts
P.O. Box 44247
Baton Rouge
LA, 70804-4247